The online home of Freemasonry in Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada
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Initiation of Bro. Robert Langille
Official Visit to St. John’s Lodge, No. 68
Presentation of Life Membership Certificate
Rededication of the Charles McCue Monument
On Saturday June 24, 2023 the brethren of St. John’s Lodge, No. 68 and their guests gathered at the Ingersoll Rural Cemetery to rededicate the monument to Charles McCue who was a member of the lodge who died in 1870. At the time of his death he was just weeks short of his 113th birthday. Brother McCue had been a mason for almost 95 years. He holds the record for being the world’s oldest mason, a record that will be unlikely to be broken.
Investiture of Officers for 2023-2024
November 2022 Meeting Highlights
A New Mason is Initiated
On Tuesday, October 18, 2022 Mr. Nicholas Saika was initiated into Freemasonry as a member of St. John’s Lodge No. 68. Several Masonic guests from other lodges in Wilson District were in attendance and joined with members of St. John’s Lodge in welcoming Mr. Saika to masonry.
The McCue Monument at the Ingersoll Rural Cemetery
Charles McCue was initiated into freemasonry in Ireland at the age of 18. He emigrated to Canada and he became a member of St. John’s Lodge, No. 68. Bro. Charles McCue lived to the age of 113. He was a mason for 95 years, a record that is unlikely to be surpassed.
St. John’s Lodge No. 68 Assists Deserving Students
St. John’s Lodge was represented at the Student Awards Ceremony and the annual Commencement at IDCI on October 15, 2022. A total of 20 students and graduates were awarded bursaries from the lodge to acknowledge their academic excellence.
The 2022/2023 Official Visit of Deputy District Grand Master R.W. Bro. Ian Chappell and the Investiture of Grand Steward V.W. Bro. Scott Naisbitt
On Tuesday, September 20, 2022 the District Deputy Grand Master of Wilson District, R.W. Bro. Ian Chappell conducted his official visit to St. John’s Lodge No. 68. During the lodge meeting V.W. Bro. Scott Naisbitt was invested as a Grand Steward and he was presented with his regalia. Fifteen of V.W. Bro. Naisbitt’s family members witnessed this event. After the conclusion of the proceedings in the lodge room, the brethren and their guests adjourned to the Banquet Hall where a reception and dinner to recognize R.W. Bro. Chappell’s visit and V.W. Bro. Naisbitt’s investiture was held.
R.W. Bro. Don Rumble, Chaplain; W. Bro. William Kennedy, Worshipful Master, Erie Lodge No. 149, Port Dover; R.W. Bro. Lewis Pilgrim, Immediate Past District Deputy Grand Master, Wilson District; V.W. Bro. Scott Naisbitt, Grand Steward; R.W. Bro. Ian Chappell, Deputy District Grand Master, Wilson District; W. Bro. Duncan Whitelaw, Worshipful Master
R.W. Bro. Lewis Pilgrim and V.W. Bro Scott Naisbitt, Wilson District’s leadership team for the 2021/2022 Masonic year.
The Grand Lodge certificate presented to V.W. Bro. Scott Naisbitt
The reception and dinner held in the Banquet Hall.
Presentation of the 70-Year Pin and Certificate to Bro. Lorne Bowman
On Tuesday, June 21, 2022 Bro. Lorne Bowman received his 70-Year pin and certificate. After the meeting was concluded, members of Bro. Bowman’s family were invited into the lodge room to observe the presentation ceremony. Bro. Bowman actually has 71 years of service, but we were unable to present him with his pin and certificate last year because of pandemic-related restrictions. He advised the brethren and guests in attendance that is looking forward to receiving his 75-year pin in four years.
Bro. Bowman receiving the 70-Year certificate. L to R, V.W. Bro. Gail MacKay, Director of Ceremonies; Bro. Lorne Bowman; W. Bro. Duncan Whitelaw, Worshipful Master; R.W. Bro. Lewis Pilgrim, D.D.G.M., Wilson District; R.W. Bro. Brad Kempston, Grand Registrar.
The Deputy District Grand Master giving the 70-Year pin to the daughters of Bro. Bowman so they can affix the pin to his lapel.
Bro. Bowman, his immediate family members, and the Lodge and Grand Lodge officers involved with the presentation ceremony.
W. Bro. Scott Gillies of Dereham Lodge (and Curator of the Ingersoll Cheese Factory Museum) enlightened the brethren and guests with an interesting talk about what was going on in Ingersoll 70 years ago.
Bro. Bowman taking the opportunity to address the brethren and guests present.
L to R, V.W. Bro. Kent Cunnington; W. Bro. Duncan Whitelaw; R.W. Bro. Lewis Pilgrim, & R.W. Bro. Brad Kempston listening attentively to Bro. Bowman’s remarks.
R.W. Bro Brad Kempston is a member of St. John’s Lodge, No. 68. He was elected Grand Registrar for the 2021 – 2022 year. He presented Bro. Bowman with his 70-Year Certificate on behalf of the Grand Master.
Let them eat cake…
Lodge Secretary R.W. Bro. Joel Sawyers observing the proceedings.
Bro. Bowman’s 50, 60 & 70 Year pins
Cutting the cake
2021/2022 Official Visit of the Deputy District Grand Master
On Tuesday May 17, 2022 Deputy District Grand Master Right Worshipful Brother Lewis Pilgrim paid an official visit to St, John’s Lodge, No. 68.
Worshipful Master W. Bro. Duncan Whitelaw and Deputy District Grand Master of Wilson District R.W. Bro. Lewis Pilgrim
Lewis Jewel Recipient
V.W. Bro. Mike Bowman received his Lewis Jewel at the February 2020 meeting indicating he is a second generation mason.
A New Collar For Our Worshipful Master
W. Bro. Duncan Whitelaw was presented with a new Worshipful Master’s collar during the December 2019 lodge meeting.
2019 Official Visit of the Deputy District Grand Master
On Tuesday October 25, 2019 Deputy District Grand Master Right Worshipful Brother Michael Segui paid an official visit to St, John’s Lodge.
W. Bro. Scott Naisbitt received his Lewis Jewel indicating he is a second generation mason.Immediate Past Master W. Bro. Santosh David received a letter from the Grand Master thanking him for his service.R.W. Bro. Joel Sawyers, W. Bro. Duncan Whitelaw, R.W. Bro. Michael SeguiBro. Peter Buglass, W. Bro. Duncan Whitelaw, R.W. Bro. Michael Segui